J-1 Introduction and Eligibility

VACU may sponsor international scholars to come to the VACU in J-1 status to engage in a program of research or teaching. The J-1 Exchange Visitor Program is administered by the U.S.
Department of State for the purpose of fostering educational exchange. At the time of appointment, the expectation is that the
Exchange Visitor will return home upon completion of the activity.
In sponsoring exchange visitors, the University agrees to abide by all regulations governing the administration of the program. To begin a J-1 sponsorship request, please read through the information on this website to understand the eligibility and documentation requirements.
Because J-1 status is a sponsored status, exchange visitors cannot apply for this status without sponsorship from the program
in which he or she plans to engage in his or her program activities.

Visiting Research Scholar or Professor
Academic departments may invite visiting scholars to engage in research and/or teach. The department must identify a
departmental faculty host to serve as the supervisor for the Exchange Visitor.


Minimum degree equivalent to a Bachelors in the appropriate field of study.
English language proficiency – Visiting scholars must demonstrate a level of English proficiency that will enable them to fully
participate in their program and to function in the U.S. on a day-to-day basis. The U.S. government requires an objective measure of proficiency specified as follows:
The maximum duration of participation in this category is 5 years.
Exchange visitors with a program duration of 6 months or less may be categorized as “short term” with no possibility of extension beyond 6 months. The advantage to classifying a visiting scholar in the Short-Term scholar category is if there is an expectation or possibility that the scholar may want to return on another J-1 program within 2 years. The Research Scholar category has a bar on repeat participation in the J-1 program that the Short-Term Scholar category does not have.

Process and Responsibilities
The host professor and/or department administrator should communicate with the scholar before arrival; arrange for office
space in the department, telephone, library privileges and computer use as appropriate; and ensure that the scholar is
integrated into the activities of the department. The host faculty member is expected to assist or collaborate with the scholar, and to be aware of the scholar’s activities while at VACU.

Obtain evidence of sufficient funding from all sources for the duration of the appointment. J-1 Scholars may be self-funded
scholars, self-funded scholars must demonstrate funds to cover the entire period requested expenses. Appropriate proof of
funding includes bank statements, scholarship letter of award, or letter of support from home institution.

The faculty host should draft a well-defined research and/or teaching agenda, determine the start date and duration of the
scholar’s visit, and funding, if any, associated with the scholar’s stay. The invitation or offer letter must include appointment dates, remuneration (if any), a description of program activities, research focus and any other expectations or restrictions the University.
Please note that the start date listed on the request form should conform to the date that you expect the scholar to start his or her program at VACU, NOT the expected date of entry to the U.S.
Visa regulations allow scholars to enter the country up to 30 days in advance of the start date listed on the DS-2019, which should allow scholars sufficient time to enter the country and get settled before beginning their program at VACU.
Submit the J-1 Sponsor Request form through email.

Required documentation includes
1) evidence of funding,
2) documentation of English language proficiency,
3) scholar’s CV,
4) copy of passport ID page,

5) departmental offer letter detailing appointment type, length,
remuneration (if any), and any other terms of sponsorship.

Obtain the appropriate signatures from the Department Chair and the Dean’s office and then forward the completed and signed J-1 Sponsor Request with accompanying documentation to RO. When it has been processed, the DS-2019 form will be emailed. Notify the RO if the Exchange Visitor will not arrive in the U.S. prior to the start date on the DS-2019.
Notify RO of any change in the scholar’s activities including a change in duties, worksite location, or dates of participation. If the scholar is planning to continue his or her J-1 program at a different institution in the U.S.

RO Responsibilities
Upon notification of the J-1 Sponsorship Request RO reviews the application materials for completeness and to ensure that they meet program requirements and eligibility criteria, prepares the DS-2019 and emails the scholar and department that the DS-2019 is available. Separate DS-2019s are issued for accompanying dependents.