The understanding of Gods revelation requires that it be proclaimed and put into practice, and the Practical Theology Department ensures that students are well-prepared for this aspect of ministry upon graduation. Courses in preaching, worship, counseling, Christian education, church planting and growth, and evangelism equip students with principles and methods of communication and leadership important for the realization that Gods truth is relevant to all times and places.
Pastoral Theology (PA)
PA 500. Biblical Preaching (3 credits)
An Examination of key biblical texts, theological themes and the historical background and development of Christian worship and its variety of expressions. Attention will be given principles, plans, methods and resources for worship planning and implementation in today’s culture.
PA 501. Sermon Content and Application (3 credits)
This course is a capstone course. The students are supposed to integrate biblical and theological knowledge, concepts, and skills that they acquired during the course of the MDiv program. It focuses on the use of sound biblical theology in the sermon and on the discovery of the relevance to life of the biblical passage under discussion; and practice in analysis, preparation, and delivery of an expository message on selected New Testament text.
PA 502. Christian Worship (3 credits)
The pastor’s role in the worship and services of the church. Topics include the biblical theology of worship, the preparation and leading of worship, the administration of the sacraments, the preparation of believers for church membership.
PA 503. Ministry Leadership (3 credits)
The development of leadership in contemporary society usually emphasizes the skills and tasks of the minister. Research has indicated that the role of the minister which relates to the life and inner person of the individual needs special consideration. This course will focus on such topics as the care of the minister’s personal and family life, warnings that will prevent major hardships in ministry, prayer.
PA 504. Church Administration (3 credits)
Biblical principles governing the missionary task of the Christian Church; evangelistic strategy in contemporary culture; the character, aims, agents and methods of Christian administration. Review of significant literature in the field of administration and church growth.
PA 505. Conflict Resolution (3 credits)
This course surveys various approaches to dealing with intergroup conflicts: preventing escalation, minimizing harmful consequences, ending violence, improving intergroup relations and building stable peace. This course considers various routes to conflict resolution and a formal ending of the conflict.
PA 506. Youth Ministry (3 credits)
This course considers theories of adolescence, the history of youth work in the Church, contemporary youth experience, and models of programs and patterns which offer possibilities for the Church in its youth ministry.
PA 507. Group Process (3 credits)
This course is an introduction to group counseling. A focus will be on the basic elements of group process, ethical and professional issues in group counseling, and developmental stages of the group process. For your practice as a group leader, you will participate in an ongoing classroom group and have an opportunity to lead and co-lead the group as it evolves.
PA 508. Worship and Spirituality (3 credits)
Promotes critical reflection on ministerial leadership in the congregation through the lens of spiritual formation in historical and theological context. Includes a 3-day retreat/advance at teaching church or extension site, and a follow-up session on historical and theological foundations for ministry. Course objective: to understand the role of spiritual formation in one’s particular denominational tradition and congregational history.
PA 509. Pastoral Care and Practice II (3 credits)
The character and source of authority exercised in the order and offices of the church. The pastoral diagnosis and treatment of spiritual conditions. Methods and models of pastoral care. A segment of the course will focus on problems involved in pastoral care within a Korean- American context.
PA 608. Expository Skills and Evaluation (3 credits)
Methodology for choosing and studying a text for exposition. Analysis of significant models of exposition in order to improve student’s practices. Focus will be on preparation, structure, and delivery of messages.
PA 609. Pastoral Counseling (3 credits)
The role of counseling in pastoral ministry along with a biblical model of counseling will be presented through lecture, class discussion, role play, video presentation, skills practice, guest lectures and reading. The counseling model presented in class will be applied to common pastoral ministries (e.g., sexual and physical abuse, substance abuse, grief, chronic sickness and hospital visitation, marriage and family issues, etc.).
PA 610. The Policy and Constitution of Presbyterian (3 credits)
The course introduces Presbyterian students to the police of church, construction of Korea Presbyterian, and the programs of their denomination.
PA 615. Discipleship in Ministry of the Church (3 credits)
The basic priorities and strategies of discipleship in the local church. Topics include: developing vision and philosophy of ministry, equipping and delegation, orienting and assimilating new members, small groups, leadership development, motivation and accountability, conflict management, long-and-short-range planning. (Previous number PA 715)
PA 616. Women’s Studies of Bible (3 credits)
This course examines the place and role of women in the Church throughput its history, the claims for a feminine theology, and issues presently raised by and about women in the church. (Previous number PA 716)
PA 617. Korean-American Ministry (3 credits)
Pastoral care within a Korean-American context. Focus on biblical response to such issues as intergenerational conflicts and concepts of authority, value systems and identity issues different from western traditions. Some attention to the demographic history of the Korean community in North America. (Previous number PA 717)
PA 618. Research Design and Methodology (3 credits)
This course is a core doctoral course in basic research and design and survey of methodologies. Emphasis is given to determining a project-dissertation, writing and research skills, and developing a proposal. (Previous number PA 718)
PA 619. Foundations for Ministry (3 credits)
This course explores pastoral ministry from a historical and theological perspective. The aim is to give students a solid foundation for doing ministry. The course will look at ministry in the classical tradition, including the early church fathers, the Protestant Reformers and contemporary voices. The course will also examine classical Pastoral Theology, the venerable and nearly lost discipline of biblical and theological reflection on pastoral ministry. A key goal of the course is to enable the students to place their pastoral ministry in a historical-theological context. (Previous number PA 719)
PA 620. Expository Preaching for Experienced Preacher (3 credits)
This course is designed for pastors who have been preaching for some time, and who want to improve their expository skills. After a brief review of the basics of exposition, the course focuses on matters that are sometimes overlooked. These topics vary from the relevance of theological and historical disciplines to preaching, to the manner in which one preaches Christ and the gospel from the whole Bible, to competent cultural exegesis. (Previous number PA 720)
PA 621. Worship and Spirituality (II) (3 credits)
Promotes critical reflection on ministerial leadership in the congregation through the lens of spiritual formation in historical and theological context. Includes a 3-day retreat/advance at teaching church or extension site, and a follow-up session on historical and theological foundations for ministry. Course objective: to understand the role of spiritual formation in one’s particular denominational tradition and congregational history. (Previous number PA 721)
PA 623. Pastoral Leadership and Administration (3 credits)
These courses are designed to develop the distinctive of pastoral leadership. Courses will aim to equip pastors to effectively lead churches in the mission of reaching the lost and building the saint. Other themes to be covered include vision setting, recruitment and development of leadership teams, effective promotion of change, conflict management, and administration skills that keep a church well ordered. (Previous number PA 723)
Christian Education (ED)
ED 500. Educational Foundation (3 credits)
This course is designed to study the theory of education and practice in the church. The course will cover the teaching and learning theory, educational history, educational curriculum, educational evaluation, teaching and learning process, guidance of life, culture and education, and teacher theory. Students are expected to understand the family, environment, and teacher.
ED 501. Christian Education (3 credits)
An overview of the educational and training education of school, including biblical, theological, psychological foundations, the aims, methods, curriculum, organization, leadership of teachers and evaluation of the teaching/ leaning process for various setting age group.
ED 502. Educational Ministry of Sunday School (3 credits)
This course offers a theological and practical approach to education of Sunday school in the church, including the place of the Sunday school ministry in the church’s philosophy of education and principles for overseeing a Sunday school education program in Korea church of America(diaspora).
ED 503. Christian Education History (3 credits)
A survey of the educational theory and history from the early church fathers to modern times, including biblical, theological, psychological foundations, the aims, methods, curriculum, organization, leadership of teachers in Church history.
ED 504. Teaching the Bible (3 credits)
Training in inductive Bible study methods with a view to establishing training programs in the local church. Hands-on experience with several types of biblical passages. Attention given to skills in training Bible study/ small group leaders for the church.
ED 505. Work of the Christian Educator (3 credits)
This course provides an overview of the tasks and responsibility of the Christian educator’s work in a variety of church contexts and in relation to the polity and Christian Education resourcing systems of the student’s denominations. Images of the Christian educator in work relationships and administrative structures are explored. Special attention is given to current issues of concern in the field.
ED 506. Spiritual Formation I (3 credits)
Theories of human development are assessed in terms of their contributions to understanding and encouraging growth and development in the Christian life. Special attention is given to life span theologies of faith, spiritual and moral formation and development, and to transformation in the life of the individual’s own spiritual formation or growth in grace through Bible study, prayer, personal discipline, the reading of the devotional classics, and small group sharing. A part of each class session is devoted to participation in a “Spiritual Formation” group which models such groups in the local church.
ED 507. Spiritual Formation II (3 credits)
Theories of human development are assessed in terms of their contributions to understanding and encouraging growth and development in the Christian life. Special attention is given to life span theologies of faith, spiritual and moral formation and development, and to transformation in the life of the individual’s own spiritual formation or growth in grace through Bible study, prayer, personal discipline, the reading of the devotional classics, and small group sharing. A part of each class session is devoted to participation in a “Spiritual Formation” group which models such groups in the local church.
ED 510. Child Education (3 credits)
This course is designed to provide students with the learning experiences that nurture the Christian spiritual growth in children. Topics will include child development, teaching-learning methods, educational philosopher, and theory of teacher. Each student will have an opportunity to make a lesson plan and practice as a Sunday School teacher.
ED 607. Education and Theology (3 credits)
This course examines the implications of theological propositions, assumptions, and traditions for the practice of Christian Education. Theological approaches to Christian Education are examined from the perspectives of knowledge about God, revelation, the nature of the church, the nature of humanity, and the mission of the Church in the world. The aim of the course is to ensure consistency between theology and Christian Education in the Church’s educational programs and ministries.
ED 608. Teaching and Learning Methods (3 credits)
This is a practical course designed to train students in using a range of teaching/leaning methods and approaches. The course uses a laboratory or practice approach to equip students to teach using creative methods for information giving, information processing, group interaction, spiritual formation, and action reflection. Special attention is given to appropriate methodology for age groups, and to choose of methods to implement learning goals and objectives.
ED 609. Biblical Models of Education (3 credits)
The course considers the components for a model of education in the Church, and then examines several models of education and teaching in the Old and New Testaments. Particular attention is given to Jesus Christ as Teacher. Students explore implications for use of the models in the Church’s educational work and apply models to their own work in the Church.
ED 610. Teaching in the Church (3 credits)
This course examines teaching in the church from theological, Biblical, and educational perspectives. It explores models, methods, and strategies of teaching and considers the teaching responsibilities of pastor or educator, including teaching for discipleship and church growth.
ED 611. Curriculum Survey (3 credits)
The course introduces students to the principles of curriculum development and structure and surveys available curriculum resources for Sunday School, Bible study, youth groups, communicant’s classes, and other educational settings in the church. A particular emphasis is placed on evaluation of each curriculum in terms of theology, use of the Bible, and teaching methods for various age groups. (Previous number ED 711)
ED 612. Education Practicum (3 credits)
The students are expected to participate in the Education Practicum for two semesters. In the final semester, under the guidance of an assigned faculty supervisor, the student plans, prepares for, conducts, and evaluates an educational ministry event of the student’s choosing, based on an approved Biblical test. An English language exegesis paper and a detailed lesson or event plan are required. In the preceding semester, students attend planning or evaluation sessions for student-led events, observe the event itself in person or on video, and participate in practicum meetings focused on the practice of educational ministry. (Previous number ED 712)
ED 613. History and Philosophy of Christian Education (3 credits)
This course surveys the history of Christian Education from Biblical times to the present day. The course identifies and examines individuals and movements whose contributions to the theology and philosophy of Christian Education continue to shape Christian Education practice. (Previous number ED 713)
ED 614. Current Issues of Christian Education (3 credits)
This is a reading course conducted under the guidance of a Christian Education professor. Students explore current issues in the field or in a particular area of educational ministry specialization. The professor and student, in consultation, will determine topics to be studied and reading assignments. Grading is to be Pass/ Fail unless the course is approved by the seminary faculty for a letter grade. (Previous number ED 714)
ED 615. Church Education and Curriculum (3 credits)
This course deals with curriculum planning and syllabus design: objectives, content, materials, procedures, and evaluation. It also deals with the locating, organizing, and development of teaching materials from various sources for different purposes. (Previous number ED 715)
Biblical Counseling (BC)
BC 500. Christian Counseling (3 credits)
Survey of the main emotional and behavioral problems encountered in counseling. Theoretical frameworks for counseling. Principles of care and counseling, with strong emphasis on basic counseling skills and the ability to relate to others. How do people change? How does God’s truth and power work into daily life? This course will seek to answer these questions.
BC 501. Christian Individual Counseling (3 credits)
This course is to design to expose students to seminal leaders, concepts, and trends in the field of educational counseling. Students will practice listening and responding counseling skills, complete self- assessments, and process peer and instructor feedback. An important characteristic of an effective counselor is knowledge of self in relation to others.
BC 502. Counseling and psychology (3 credits)
Introduction to the relationship between psychological events and behavior, emotions, perception and thought processes. Orientation to the effects of licit and illicit drugs, neurological disorders, psychosomatic medicine, and other current medical research of interest to counselors.
BC 503. Psychological Assessment (3 credits)
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of testing and measurement, research methods, and various models of learning. Students will be required to administer and score various types of psychological tests and evaluate their usefulness in counseling.
BC 504. Marriage and Family Counseling (3 credits)
This seminar provides the student with intensive study in the principles and methods of pastoral counseling as related to the dynamics of marriage and family life. Family development, communication, conflict resolution, child rearing, and divorce counseling will be discussed.
BC 505. Psychology (3 credits)
A study of the major elements of psychology, including theories and applications. Topics will include human development, learning, perception, memory, personality, and behavior.
BC 506. Marriage & Pre-marriage Christian Counseling (3 credits)
This seminar provides the student with intensive study in the principles and methods of Christian counseling as related to the dynamics of marriage and pre-marriage life. Biblical concepts of the health functioning of the family. Family development, communication, conflict resolution, child rearing and abortion, and divorce counseling will be discussed by Christian approach.
BC 507. Crisis Counseling (3 credits)
The crisis phase is a critical period that all may experience many times throughout the course of life. It behooves the counselor to develop theoretical rationale and a course of action that will guide him/her as he/she works as intervener in the counselee’s situation.
BC 508. Human Development(I) (3 credits)
A study of child growth and development from birth to puberty. Examination of the basic theories principles and practices of childhood training and education. Deal with the cognitive, language, emotional, social, physical, and personality development.
BC 509. Human Development(II) (3 credits)
An investigation of the psychological and environmental factors related to puberty, peer identification and identity conflict in the adolescent. Emphasis will be upon the development of self-identity and the problems faced by the adolescent. Deal with the developmental process from adolescent to early adulthood, especially physical and physiological change, cognitive and emotional development, self-identity, and personality development.
BC 510. Psychological Foundation of Human Behavior (3 credits)
The purpose of this course is to understand the principles of human behaviors and its psychological foundation. In order to achieve the goal, students will learn about the principles of behavior, motivation theory, learning theory and its application.
BC 605. Human Personality (3 credits)
Study of critical biblical and theological issues necessary for the construction of a biblical psychology. Representative readings in various personality theorists, with critical theological evaluation.
BC 606. Counseling Problems and Procedures (3 credits)
Application of the broad principles of biblical counseling presented in the introductory course to specific counseling cases and problems. Lectures, assigned readings, research, case studies, discussion, role play and practice in the use of biblical counseling principles and skills will be utilized throughout the course.
BC 607. Counseling Families and Children (3 credits)
This course is designed to expose students to important problems and procedures in counseling families and children. It will also explore various methods of family counseling. The course will also include a review of problems of parenting, early childhood problems, and counseling adolescents. (Previous number BC 706)
BC 608. Methods of Biblical Change (3 credits)
This course takes the principles introduced in the Dynamics of Biblical Change course and applies them to the counseling relationship. By what process do I help a person make changes in his life? What are the critical skills that make that process effective? The answers to these questions will form the heart of the course. Methods of Biblical Change focuses on methods that make one’s work with another person an effective process of change. (Previous number BC 707)
BC 609. Counseling Theory (3 credits)
Understand counseling theories based on secular psychology. Schools of counseling theories. verify good and lack or faulty aspect of each theory. Conception of adequate, applicable theory for current counseling situation. (Previous number BC 708)
BC 610. Abnormal psychology and Counseling (3 credits)
Understanding abnormal mental mechanism and symptoms. Understand counselee’s behavioral abnormality which occur problems in normal social life. Develop counseling approaches of each abnormal psychological problems, sexuality, and personality. (Previous number BC 709)
BC 611. Christian Counseling Theory (3 credits)
Basic principles of Christian counseling, difference of biblical approach versus secular counseling. What Bible say about counseling. Verify each schools of Christian counseling theory. Develop biblical view of human behavior and problems. (Previous number BC 710)
BC 612. Biblical Counseling and Bible (3 credits)
Study biblical counseling theory and analyze what is biblical approach of counseling. importance of Bible in Christian counseling text. clarify biblical approaches of modern Christian counseling. Bible and context. (Previous number BC 711)
BC 613. Pastoral Counseling (3 Credits)
Basic principles and theory of pastoral counseling. definition of pastoral counseling. understanding of problems of pastoral situation. qualification and requirement for pastoral counselor. ethic of pastoral counselor. spiritual growth influence. (Previous number BC 712)
BC 620. Practicum Christian Counseling (3 credits)
Case study with Christian counseling theory and principles. apply biblical basis in counseling practice. learn skills and attitude as a counselor. self-analysis and evaluation of mentor. . (Previous number BC 713)
BC 621. Youth in Christian Counseling (3 credits)
According to the human developmental theory Puberty, adolescence and young adult period is learned by biblical principles. conflict and stress handling. occupation and schooling. prepare for their concepts of value about world view. (Previous number BC 715)
BC 624. Discipleship Counseling (3 credits)
Explores the nature of spirituality and its impact on Christian counseling and discipleship. Christian counselor’s practical handbook according to the principles of Jesus’ act. deep personal spiritual relationship with principle of bible and Word as a Christian counselor. (Previous number BC 716)
BC 625 Couples and Family Counseling I (3 credits)
This course provides a broad understanding of marriage and family theories and a systematic approach to conceptualizing and counseling with families and couples. Students will gain an acquaintance with the emergence of systems counseling as a discipline within the field of psychology, with a broad introduction to the study of the family as a culturally influenced, ongoing, interacting social system and with an awareness of central conceptual and therapeutic issues of importance to counselors.
BC 626 Couples and Family Counseling II (3 credits)
This course provides a broad understanding of conceptualizations, intervention techniques, and skills used in couples counseling. Attention will be given to diverse issues and concerns addressed by couples counseling.
BC 627 Substance Abuse and Addictions (3 credits)
This course covers current information about the addictive processes associated with chemical dependencies and other addictions, as well as assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning and intervention within individual and family systems frameworks. Issues related to addictions, such as family dynamics, structure, roles, and codependency are explored.
BC 628. Career and Lifestyle Development.
An examination of major theories of career selection and development, the philosophical and theological underpinnings of career. Students explore the decision-making process of careers, vocational assessment instruments, lifestyle planning, career consultation and the theology of vocation and work. Students practice the administration and interpretation of selected vocational tests and are encouraged to analyze their own career development in the light of the theories and assessment devices.
BC 629. Assessment and Testing.
This course teaches the use and application of tests and measurements in diagnosis and assessment of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and familial characteristics and functioning. Test content, validity, reliability, purpose, limitations, ethics, and administration are compared and evaluated. Stress is placed on the interpretation of test results to the client population.
BC 630. Theology and Secular Psychology.
An analysis of the theological basis of secular systems of counseling. Students will explore the origins and major tenets of various secular theories. A biblical understanding of the human person and the process of transformation will be developed.
BC 631. Counseling in the Local Church.
This course will discuss the connection between biblical counseling and the local church. An emphasis will be placed upon building an overall culture of discipleship and care within the church. This course will also discuss systems to safeguard the local church from sexual abuse in institutional settings.
BC 632. Theory and Practice of Counseling.
This course surveys primary current theoretical approaches to psychotherapy and demonstrates how theory relates to the practice of Mental Health Counseling and Marriage and Family Counseling. The historical components of these theories are examined for their continuing impact on the delivery of mental health services.
Evangelism-Church Growth (EV)
EV 500. Church Growth (3 credits)
This course analyzed from a biblical and historical viewpoint how churches growth. Practical implications for the growth of local congregations are spot lighter. This external growth is growth that is observable, measurable and repeatable of local church.
EV 501. Methods of Church Growth (3 credits)
A review of church growth history, principles and methodology. This course will evaluate and research present models of church growth in order to enhance the growth of the church in our present situation.
EV 502. Church Planting (3 credits)
Biblical practices and principles of church planting. A study of contemporary church planting models. Students will participate directly in starting new ministries as opportunity is provided through a local church. An on-site project will be presented in class.
EV 503. Vision and Missions (3 credits)
This course is a study of the basic principles concerning the understanding of Vision and Missions for life-long learning in their goals.
EV 504. Spiritual Warfare (3 credits)
This course surveys movement of prayer and spiritual warfare of mission field which brought missions and church growth or Evangelism. The course emphasizes the Nature of spirituality, pray and power of the Holy Spirit for church growth.
EV 505. Prayer in The Holy Spirit (3 credits)
A study of biblical teaching on prayer, its practice throughout church history, and its place in ministry for church growth by the Holy Spirit.
EV 506. Work, Gifts of God the Holy Spirit (3 credits)
A consideration of some of special gifts of God the Holy Spirit in present century. A study of context and purpose of special gifts of God the Holy Spirit and The New Testament uses the Greek word charisma to speak of the various gifts God has given by the Holy Spirit to Christian for the Kingdom of God.
EV 603. Leadership and Mentoring in the Local (3 credits)
Church Emphasis on leadership in the local church within the urban context, but with principles usable in other situations. Development of mentoring skills for the equipping of emerging leaders in the local church.
EV 604. Unreached Peoples (3 credits)
Review of current strategy planning in world evangelism. Special focus on Muslims and Chinese with some attention to the effect of urbanization. Evaluation of personal gifts for missionary vocation.
EV 605. Cross-cultural Evangelism (3 credits)
Issues involved in communicating the gospel across cultural boundaries. The city’s cultural mosaic is examined in the classroom and on the street. Participants face the question of how to relate personally to a new culture and how to develop as a cross-cultural communicator.
EV 606. Urban Analysis and Demographics (3 credits)
Survey of modern urbanization, population growth and the conditions which produce the problems and opportunities for Christian mission in the world’s great cities. Some of the social and political issues related to urban mission are examined. Special attention is given to The World Christian Encyclopedia, edited by David B. Barrett (Oxford, 1982). A basic framework for biblical urban mission is presented. (Previous number EV 706)
World Mission (MI)
MI 500. Introduction to Mission (3 credits)
A survey of world mission, the task for which God sends His people into the world. This course includes the evangelistic mandate and the cultural mandate and study of cross-cultural communication of the Christian faith.
MI 501. History of World Mission (3 credits)
A survey of history of world mission, include Christian ministry in and to the city from ancient times to the present. Models of urban ministry in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries receive special attention. Writings of mission theorists will be studied for understanding the advance or decline at key historical junctures, as well as the assessing of current missiology.
MI 502. Mission History of Korea Church (3 credits)
A survey of history of world mission of Korea Church, include Christian ministry in and to the city from ancient times to the present. Models of urban ministry in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries receive special attention of Korean church.
MI 503. Mission History of America Church (3 credits)
A survey of history of world mission of America Church, include Christian ministry in and to the city from ancient times to the present. Models of urban ministry in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries receive special attention of America Church.
MI 604. Overseas Research in Missions (3 credits)
A study of issues involved in presenting the gospel effectively in an overseas missionary area. The study will be carried on in an overseas context, to be selected by the student with the authorization of the instructor. Readings and written assignment to be completed during and after the field trip.
MI 605. Mission to the City (3 credits)
An interpretation of the Christian mission to the urban world emphasizing biblical principles, urban needs and relevant forms of communicating the gospel. Urban societal groupings, ethnicity and their relations to urban church growth.
MI 706. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (3 credits)
Employing numerous speakers and multi-media presentations, this class will seek to educate and enlist the student to the cause of worldwide evangelization. The class is offered in conjunction with the international educational efforts of the U.S. Center for World Mission.
MI 707. Intercultural Communication and Missions Anthropology (3 credits)
Studies in the literature of intercultural communication, focusing on cultural contexts and barriers, with implications for Christian witness, lifestyle and relationships. Cultural anthropological issues will be examined to determine their application to a Christian view of intercultural ministry and the discipline of occupation and schooling. prepare for their concepts of value about world view.
MI 708. Christian World Views (3 credits)
An introduction to the major world views including theism, deism, atheism, pantheism, finite godism, and polytheism.
MI 709. World Religions (3 credits)
This course designed to study of the major religion of mankind. The origin, basic concepts, influence, and present status of each religion will be studied, and the religions will be compared and contracted with each other and with the Hebrew-Christian religions and Korean religions.
Church Music (MU)
MU 500. Introduction to Church Music (3 credits)
This course is a basic introduction to the principles of music theory, include the basic elements of music, drawing on a wide range of musical literature to analyze concepts of compositional procedure.
MU 501. Music Theory (3 credits)
A course of study designed to help the student develops a practical philosophy of church music. The comprehensive graded church music program is discussed from an administrative point of view.
MU 502. Historical Survey of Church Music (3 credits)
This course examines the Biblical and historical roots of the church’s music, explores the impact of the various modern worship renewal movements on church music and musician, and considers the literary, musical, theological, and cultural dimensions of hymns and other forms of congregations of hymns and other forms of congregational song.
MU 503. Introduction to Musical Thought & Practice (3 credits)
Critical examination of the question of music. Basic parameters of sound. Fundamentals of music. Practical activities that enable students to achieve a creative and experiential understanding of core musical concepts. A general overview of the structure of the field of music studies. Music as a mediated cultural practice. Musical meaning. Cultivating an open stance towards the multiplicity of musical practices.
MU 504. Appreciation of World and Western Music (3 credits)
This course is designed to increase the student’s ability to effectively listen to and communicate about music. Study of the elements and media of music will include investigation of World and Western music. Outside reading, listening, and concert attendance are recommended.
MU 603. Introduction to conducting (3 credits)
A study conventional conducting patterns. Principles of congregational song leading are discussed. Conducting of easier anthems and choruses from standard oratorios with laboratory group and videotapes is required.
MU 604. Hymnology (3 credits)
A study of the historical development of hymns, hymn turns and their authors and composers. Standards of evaluation of good hymns and hymnals will be discussed as well as effective variation of hymn singing in worship.
MU 605. Church Music Seminar (3 credits)
A course is designed to equip the church musician with the specialized knowledge and administrative skills needed for church music ministry. Issues to be considered include inter-staff relationships, dealing with various personalities, denominational polities, instrument maintenance, and currant technological advances.
MU 606. Worship and Planning Laboratory (3 credits)
Working in cooperation with Director of Chapels at some church and or the university, students work to plan and implement a wide variety of worship experiences for use in the chapel programs.
MU 607. Graded Choirs for the Church (3 credits)
This introductory course covers all aspects of all non-adult vocal choir work including methods, materials, and available curricula. Included are insights on how children learn, how young voices should be trained, what elements should be included in a church choir rehearsal, Orff and Kodaly work, and choirs as a means of Christian Education.
MU 608. Organ Literature for the Church (3 credits)
Keeping the needs of the practicing church organist in mind, this course surveys the vast corpus of music written for the organ from the sixteenth century until the present. Included are considerations of compositional form, various styles of interpretation, appropriate registrations, and current trends.
MU 609. Choral Literature for the Church (3 credits)
An overview of repertoire for the church. The first half of the term deals with the sacred choral art from 1450-1940, the second with repertoire from 1940 to the present.
Field Ministry (FM)
FM 501. Field Ministry (3 credits)
Students must be involved in actual ministry activities 2-3 hours per week or weekend. The choice of ministry is up to the students and his/her advisor.
FM 601. Practicum (3 credits)
Students must be involved in actual ministry activities 2-3 hours per week or weekend. The choice of ministry is up to the students and his/her advisor (Prerequisite course is FM 501.Field Ministry).