2024 Spring Revival Week Information
2024 Spring Revival Week Information
1. Worship
- Hymns
- Opening remarks
- Opening prayer
- Bible reading
- Message & Closing prayer
- Benediction
- Closing remarks
2. Professors who teach on Monday and Wednesday, please attend the Revival Conference on Monday. Professors who teach on Tuesdays and Thursday, please attend the Revival Conference on Tuesday. Professors who teach on Saturday, please attend the Revival Conference on Saturday.
3. There will be no classes during the Revival week. Instead, submit your reflections on the Salvation testimony to your respective professors for attendance and assignment credit. Arrive 5 minutes early for the conference, and when parking on campus, avoid business areas and ensure proper parking within designated lanes to prevent towing. Remember, it’s your responsibility to park correctly; any towed vehicles are the owner’s responsibility, not VACU’s. Thank you for your cooperation.
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