Old Testament
BI 107. OT Genesis English Bible (3 credits)
An optional credit course which provides a survey of the content of OT Genesis and which seeks to equip future church leaders with skills for teaching OT Genesis in the local church. Assigned reading of the entire OT Genesis, written exercises, class discussions. (Previous number BI.207).
BI 108. OT History English Bible (3 credits)
An optional credit course which provides a survey of the content of OT History of Bible and which seeks to equip future church leaders with skills for teaching OT History in the local church. Assigned reading of the entire OT English Bible, written exercises, class discussions. (Previous number BI.208).
HE 201. Beginning Hebrew Grammar (3 credits)
An Intensive study of the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of Bible Hebrew, including the study of selected OT passage. (Previous number HE.301).
OT 200. Survey of the Old Testament (3 credits)
This course is a study of the pentateuch and historical books and a biblical-theological analysis of Old Testament history development in terms of the covenantal structure of the history of OT. (Previous number OT.300).
OT 201. Survey of the Old Testament (II) (3 credits)
This course is a study the nature and history of the prophetic institution and the canonical contribution of the prophets and Wisdom literatures of the surrounding cultures the nature of Hebrew poetry. About the question of what distinguishes Hebrew poetry of OT. (Previous number OT.301).
OT 205. The Background of Bible (3 credits)
This course is a study of geography, history, and archeology of the Bible world intended to provide a cultural and chronological work for the study of both the Old and New Testament. (Previous number OT.405).
OT 306. Genesis (3 credits)
An exegesis of Genesis with special attention to its relationship to ancient Near Eastern literature and to its function in the whole of the Pentateuch. A study of the Book of Genesis in its cultural and historical setting, with attention to its critical problems, theological content, literary features, exposition. (Previous number OT.406).
OT 307. The Pentateuch (3 credits)
Introduction to biblical-theology and biblical history writing. Exegesis of significant passages of the Pentateuch with particular attention to their relationship to ancient Near Eastern literature and culture, the history of redemption, and the literary structure of the Pentateuch. (Previous number OT.407).
OT 308. Exodus (3 credits)
Exegesis focused on the interplay of theology and overall discourse structure. Special attention will be given to biblical-theological themes from Exodus which are developed throughout the rest of Scripture. (Previous number OT.408).
OT 309. Old Testament History I (3 credits)
A biblical-theological analysis of Old Testament history (from the Genesis to the 1 & 2 Samuel) developed in terms of the covenantal structure of the history of the kingdom of God, giving consideration to the Near Eastern historical and cultural setting of the biblical events. (Previous number OT.409).
OT 310. Old Testament History II (3 credits)
This course deals with history, theology, culture, and literatures of the period of the first and second temple of Israel along with the relevant canonical books of the period. (Previous number OT.410).
OT 311. Major Prophetic Books(I) (3 credits)
This course is an exegetical study of one the Prophetic Books giving attention to their literary types, historical settings and relevance for contemporary society. Exegesis of selected passages from Isaiah to Jeremiah, Lamentations. (Previous number OT.411).
OT 312. Major Prophetic Books(II) (3 credits)
This course is an exegetical study of one the Prophetic Books giving attention to their literary types, historical settings and relevance for contemporary society. Exegesis of selected passages from Ezekiel to Daniel. (Previous number OT.412).
OT 313. The Minor Prophet Books I (3 credits)
The nature and history of the prophetic institution and the canonical contribution of the prophets. Hermeneutics of the prophetic literature. Exegesis of selected passages from Hosea to Micah. (Previous number OT.413).
OT 314. The Minor Prophet Books II (3 credits)
The nature and history of the prophetic institution and the canonical contribution of the prophets. Hermeneutics of the prophetic literature. Exegesis of selected passages from Nahum to Malachi. (Previous number OT.414).
OT 415. Old Testament Wisdom (3 credits)
Wisdom literature in the Old Testament and the literatures of the surrounding cultures. History of research. Introduction to Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. Theology and motifs.
OT 416. Old Testament Poetics(Psalms) (3 credits)
An in-depth study of the nature of Hebrew poetry. The question of what distinguishes Hebrew poetry from prose. Critical study of traditional concepts of parallelism, meter, and other rhetorical devices leading to a method of research which will enable the student to analyze the form of Hebrew.
OT 417. Holy Land Studies (3 credits)
Students may elect to take a course for credit during the winter module at the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem.
OT 418. Worship in Ancient Israel (3 credits)
An exegetical and biblical-theological study of Old Testament forms of worship. Function and significance of priesthood, cleanliness, laws, tabernacle/temple, sacrifices. The place of the Psalms in cult.
OT 419. Christ in the Old Testament (3 credits)
The course examines the structure of the Old Testament to discover the dimension of promise that unifies the Scriptures. The broader context of the Old Testament is the history of redemption which points to the coming of Jesus Christ. The New Testament interpretation of the Old Testament Scriptures is true to the predictive and typological structure inherent in them.
OT 420. Theology of Old Testament (3 credits)
A consideration of the basis, task, and method of biblical theology of OT with an application of these to salvation history from creation to present. Students are expected to develop their own biblical theology of OT and to apply it to assigned block writing.