Members of VACU are committed to the mission of the institution and to living in a manner that brings glory to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. To this end we agree to uphold the standards of the community as cited in this statement.
Since members of VACU community are also members of the broader community of the body of Jesus Christ, it is expected that everything we do will reflect our commitment, both to our Lord and to His body of believers. This commitment is to be demonstrated by faithful involvement in a local evangelical church, Christian loyalty to each other, and pursuit of the fruit of the spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
The Word of God is the final authority on all matters of faith and conduct. Therefore, items expressly forbidden in the Scripture are not acceptable for members of VACU community. Examples include pride, lust, slander, drunkenness, profane language, premarital sex, adultery, homosexual behavior and prejudice (1 Cor 6:9-11). Members of VACU community work hard to eliminate inappropriate attitudes and actions in their personal lives and in the life of the community and to see them replaced by Christ-like attitudes and actions appropriate for mature Christians.
VACU values the worth and dignity of human life as expressed through the fruit of God the Holy Spirit. Having been made in the image of God, those who live and work at the institution express like faith and are expected to respect and uphold life-affirming practices that distinguish our faith community from other institutions of higher education, particularly for those who are vulnerable members of society. Consistent with the views of the Fellowship of VACU Brethren Churches, VACU believes that human life is worthy of respect and protection at all stages from the time of conception. The sanctity of human life is established by creation (Genesis 1:26-27), social protection (Genesis 9:6) and redemption (John 3:16).
While Scripture does not provide specific teaching regarding all social practices in a given cultural setting, it does speak to the Christian’s responsibility in areas of conduct which may be harmful or spiritually offensive to self or others. In keeping with its objectives to develop moral and spiritual leadership, VACU expects members of the community to demonstrate restraint and discretion in entertainment choices, social activities, and personal habits (Galatians 5:13-23). Without question, the Christian must abstain from all that is morally degrading. While VACU does not normally assume the role of a censoring agent, it does expect tangible evidence of a life committed to growth in Christ and sound judgment based on biblical principles.
Some substances may harm one’s physiological and psychological well-being. In some cases, they dishonor the body, which is the temple of God the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:1). Therefore, members of the community are to refrain from the use of tobacco in any form, hallucinogenic drugs, illegal substances (including marijuana), and/or narcotics not authorized by a physician. Under no circumstances are the above to be used, possessed, or distributed on or away from campus.
VACU is committed to maintaining an alcohol-free campus. This means that the consumption of alcohol will be prohibited on campus properties and at VACUs-affiliated events. Adult employees of VACU will use careful discretion in any use of alcohol, avoiding the serving or consumption of alcohol in any situation in which traditional undergraduate or underage members of VACUs family are or are likely to be present. Underage drinking is not only contrary to school policy, but also against the law.