Because VACU is a Bible and theological school, the certificate and degree programs are structured to give every student a thorough background in the Bible and reformed doctrine. Thus, every student regardless of their professional specialization is a Bible and theology major. The curriculum also provides students with a foundation in general education so that they will comprehend the history, language, ideology, and expressions of past and present world cultures. All of this is designed to help students develop a truly biblical world and life view.
To complete the undergraduate curriculum, students specialize in an elected professional area, which is considered a concentration. A balance is maintained between both theory and skill courses, and, in some cases, electives allow students to adapt the program to their specific areas of vocational interest. Students are required to tie their Field Education assignments to their area of professional concentration.
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The permanent records of VACU students shall consist of files in the Academic Office, and the Office of Student Services, and placement folder. All information collected on students during attendance at the college shall be retained during the time of attendance at VACU and for seven years thereafter. Student may examine their academic records by contacting the Academic Office to make an appointment. After seven years VACU will maintain only the following:
- the application for admission
- the academic records, including a listing of courses attempted, credits, grades, quality points earned
- the transcripts, which will list courses attempted, credits earned, grades, and quality points, date of graduation, degree awarded
- the placement file
- the student financial account
There are three distinct classifications of academic standing reflected on the academic record or transcript. The conditions associated with each of these classifications are described below and are intended be used to guide the student in his/her academic planning. In particular, a student placed on academic probation must meet with his/her academic adviser to develop an academic strategy for the success that will also allow him/her to be removed from academic probation.
Good Standing
Good standing status is assigned to the semester record of any student enrolled in the degree program a semester and cumulative grade point average (GPA) above the standard of 2.00 at the close of the semester.
Academic Probation
A student can be placed on an academic probation when either the semester or cumulative GPA falls below 2.00. Students on probation must contact the academic advisor/registrar to develop a written academic plan and to establish GPA goals using the Veigel GPA calculator. While on probation, a student must adhere to the conditions of the program of study in which he/she is enrolled. For example, a student enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program full-time must complete a minimum of twelve (12) credits but not exceed fifteen (15) credits during probationary semesters of the study [for a master’s degree program, a minimum of nine (9) credits but not exceed twelve (12) credits]. Removal from probationary status requires that the student achieve both a semester and cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher in a subsequent semester.
Semester Grade Point Average
A student can be dismissed from VACU when his/her semester GPA falls below the 2.00 standard more than twice, not including their first semester at VACU. Students, who earn a semester GPA below 1.00, not including their first semester at the VACU, may be automatically dismissed from VACU. That is, they are subject to dismissal without the benefit of a probationary period. Such students have the opportunity to appeal the dismissal decision, as described below. First semester students that obtain a semester GPA below 1.00 will be placed on probation and held to the standards established by the conditions of academic probation.
Cumulative Grade Point Average
A student can be dismissed from VACU when his/her cumulative GPA remains below the 2.00 standard for the probationary period of the semester unless an extended period is approved by his/her academic advisor/registrar.
Subject to Dismissal
The decision to dismiss a student who is subject to dismissal rests with VACU and entails a thorough review of the student’s academic record, progress and plan. Students whose academic standing is classified as subject to dismissal must meet with the academic advisor/registrar to discuss their academic standing, progress and plans.
Right to Appeal a Dismissal Decision
A student has the right to appeal a dismissal decision. He/she may do so by submitting a petition to the Office or the Academic Dean of VACU. The form must be completed and filed by the student within seven (7) days of having been notified in writing that he or she is being dismissed from VACU and in no later than the first day of classes in the semester in which the dismissal is to take effect. Upon submitting the petition to appeal the dismissal decision, the student will be scheduled to meet with the Academic Dean of VACU in order to discuss his or her academic progress and plan. A final decision regarding the outcome of the student’s appeal will be communicated at this meeting. If a student seeks to be reinstated for the semester into which the dismissal is to take effect, he/she must meet with the Academic Dean before the Wednesday of the second week of the semester. After that date, appeals will be considered for the subsequent semester.
Terms of Reinstatement after Dismissal
Reinstatement to VACU through the Academic Standing Committee of VACU is subject to the following conditions:
- For Full-Time Students: The student is expected to meet the Academic Standard of VACU by the time he/she is to graduate, that is, a cumulative GPA of 2.00. The student must enroll in and complete no fewer than twelve and no more than fifteen credits unless otherwise approved by the Academic Standing Committee (for a master’s degree program, a minimum of nine credits but not exceed twelve credits). During the period of reinstatement, a student cannot change his/her program of study or status. Inter-college transfer requires that a student is in good standing that is, above a GPA of 2.00 for such transfer to be considered unless the transfer is approved by the Deans/Directors of both units. A student must obtain a minimum semester GPA of at least a 2.00 during the readmitted semester. If the student does not meet the GPA standard as established under the conditions of reinstatement (nominally 2.00), he/she will be dismissed from VACU.
- For Part-Time Students: The student is expected to meet the Academic Standard of VACU by the time he/she is to graduate, that is, a cumulative GPA of 2.00. The student can enroll in and complete no more than eleven (11) credits during the readmitted semester [for a master’s degree program, no more than eight (8) credits]. The student must obtain a minimum semester GPA of at least a 2.00 during the readmitted semester and may not earn grades of F or INC in any given course during a semester. If the student does not meet the 2.00 GPA standards as established under the conditions of reinstatement, he/she will be dismissed from VACU. Failure to meet the above conditions will result in dismissal from VACU. Such dismissal is considered final unless overturned by the Academic Dean of VACU. A final dismissal decision may not be appealed.
Final Dismissal
Students (a) who do not appeal the initial dismissal decision,
(b) who receive a negative decision from the Academic Committee,
(c) who fail to meet the conditions of reinstatement, or
(d) who fail to meet SEVIS regulations, are severed from VACU.