Any change in the course of study must be made during the first two weeks from the beginning of each semester by submitting updated course registration form to VACU office.
Courses discontinued (with permission) after the first two weeks of each semester are recorded WA (authorized withdrawal). Courses dropped after the date announced in the registration bulletin for semester will automatically get the grade of WF (withdrew failing).
The deadline for course registration is announced at each semester. Courses marked WF are counted as hours attempted in the grade point ratio while grades of WA are ignored in computing the grade point ratio.
Maximum Course Load
The fulltime load for international students (F-1) should be 12 credits for BBS and 9 credits for M.Div. Allowance of course load during regular semester is 18 credits for students in BBS program. If approved by the Academic Dean of VACU, a student may exceed 18 credits. For students in M.Div. program, allowance of course load during regular semester is 15 credits and may exceed with an approval of the Academic Dean.
The maximum length of study to complete BBS program is six years from the date of matriculation and the maximum time to complete master’s degree is six years from the date of matriculation in VACU.