Awards to Graduating Class
Outstanding graduating students can be recognized at commencement exercises through the presentation of appropriate awards. The VACU administration has procedures to identify the types of awards given, the criteria to be utilized for selection of award recipients, and the procedure to be followed for such selections.
Types of Awards to Graduating Seniors
Recognition of outstanding graduating seniors may be made at the commencement exercises through the award of appropriately designed wall-plaques. The following categories of awards arc authorized for presentation at commencement exercises.
- President’s Award: Selection of one by the Executive Council and considered by the President to have made the most significant all-round contribution to the welfare of the VACU.
- Dean’s Award: Selection of two seniors from each degree program(BA.MA), through the majority vote of the Academic Council, to be the two most outstanding students in academic achievement and scholarly activity.
- Alumni Association Award: Selection of two or more seniors from each language program considered by Alumni members to be the most outstanding students within the program who are in service to the profession and carry the ability to represent the profession at various community or social events.
To be considered for any Award noted above, a potential recipient must have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.50 or better.
The Registrar shall create an Award Form and shall coordinate the process for identification of potential candidates for the Awards. Each candidate shall submit, to the Registrar’s Office, a copy of his/her professional resume (curriculum vitae) along with a typed letter of self-evaluation to support his/her choice of Award(s) sought.
Criteria for the selection of Award recipients shall be developed and reviewed annually by the individual group responsible for the selection.